Vocal auditions: Friday 11th, Saturday 12th May (must be booked prior)
Dance auditions (all must attend): Sunday afternoon, 13th May (more information will be provided closer to time depending on number of auditionees)
Call backs: Monday 14th at the discretion of the Production Team.
All auditions (at this stage) are at the Townsville Choral Society Hall on Sturt Street. Changes will be communicated via email.
Rehearsals will begin on Sunday 27th May.
Book your audition by emailing production@tcs.org.au with the following information:
Subject Line: Les Mis Audition Request - Name
Text of email:
Contact number (preferably mobile):
Characters that you would like to audition for:
Any other relevant information:
A link will be sent to you containing vocal material and dialogue.
Please be aware that due to the very recent run of WWRY, it may take some time for us to get back to you! If you haven't heard within a week, please check in!
Download audition FAQ here:
Download character descriptions here: