Join us for an out-of-body experience with TCS's production of this new hit musical.
​When a hard-working mother and her teenage daughter magically swap bodies, they have just one day to put things right again. Freaky Friday, A New Musical based on the celebrated novel by Mary Rodgers and the hit Disney films, is a heartfelt, comedic, and unexpectedly emotional update on an American classic. By spending a day in each other's shoes, Katherine and Ellie come to appreciate one another's struggles, learn self-acceptance, and realise the immeasurable love and mutual respect that bond a mother and daughter.
Audition Dates
Auditions will be held from Friday14th to Sunday 16th April 2023 at Townsville Choral Society Hall
Vocal Auditions: Thursday evening 13th April (only if required), Friday evening 14th April and Saturday 15th April 2023.
Dance Auditions: Sunday 16th April 2023
Call backs: Sunday Evening 16th April 2023 (If required)
Welcome and initial read-through: Sunday 30th April 2023
Rehearsals Commence: Sunday 21st May 2023
Performance Dates: 18th August to 2nd September 2023 (Fridays, Saturdays - matinee and evening, and Sundays matinees only)
Ellie Blake
Narrator and hero. Smart, snarky, goofy, untidy.
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Katherine Blake
Ellie’s mother. Decisive, lovely, meticulous.
Gender: Female
Age: 30s/40s
Ellie’s love interest. The Listmaster. Adorable and cool.
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Katherine’s fiance. Confident, charming, kind.
Gender: Male
Age: 30s/40s/50s
Fletcher Blake
Ellie’s brother. Eccentric, naive, never without his hand-puppets.
Gender: Male
Age: Stage 10
Katherine’s assistant. High-strung, perfectionist.
Gender: Female
Age: 20s/30s/40s
Ellie’s best friend. Intense, emotional, lacks confidence.
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Also Ellie’s best friend. Geek, nerd-girl.
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Ellie’s nemesis. The Villain. Brilliant, aggressive, a winner.
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Ms Meyers
Gym teacher. Extremely intense.
Gender: Female
Age: 40s/50s/60s
Various roles including students, teachers, wedding staff, wedding guests.
Gender: Male and Female
Ages: 16+
Production Team
Director: Judy Higgins-Olsen
Production Manager: Renee Dixon
Vocal Director: Sam Stewart
Musical Director: Luke Gallagher
Movement Director: Suzie Searight
Stage Manager: Liam Boyd
Set Design: Emily Molloy
Marketing: TCS Marketing Committee
TCS Committee Representative: Adrian Corbett