Roald Dahl's celebrated tale of Charlie Bucket and the eccentric confectioner, Willy Wonka, was reworked for the stage in 2013. When Charlie wins a golden ticket to the mysterious Wonka Chocolate Factory, it's a chance of a lifetime to feast on the sweets and chocolates that have always been right under his nose by unaffordable for the Bucket family. Along with the other winners - Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, Mike Teavee, and Augustus Gloop - Charlie is swept inside of the mysterious factory with his Grandpa Joe. Inside, the winners encounter a magical world full of amazement, innovation, sugary treats, and, of course, Oompa-Loompas. But as the winners begin to let their greed and selfish natures get the better of them, it seems that everything is not as sweet as it seems.